Help for Setup Command-Line Options -s does not display any install dialogs (silent mode) setup.exe -s -uninst uninstall the driver package setup.exe -uninst -f2 Specify alternative log file name and path setup.exe -s -f2"C:\Setup.log" Return Values for the Setup.log File [ResultCode] Description 0 Success. -1 General error. -2 Invalid mode. -3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file. -4 Not enough memory available. -5 File does not exist. -6 Cannot write to the response file. -7 Unable to write to the log file. -8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response (.iss) file. -9 Not a valid list type (string or number). -10 Data type is invalid. -11 Unknown error during setup. -12 Dialog boxes are out of order. -51 Cannot create the specified folder. -52 Cannot access the specified file or folder. -53 Invalid option selected