DirectX Software Development Kit Redistributable Code ------------------------------------------------------------- Redistributable Code is identified as all of the files in the following directory on the DirectX 9.0 SDK CD/Download: redist/DirectX9/ All files in the above directory must be included in any distribution of the DirectX 9.0 Runtime with the following exceptions: 1) may be excluded if support for DirectX for Managed Applications is not required for your applications. 2) and may be excluded if your application is not supported on version of Windows 95, 98, 98 Second Edition or Millenium. NOTE: Installing Managed DirectX requirements 1) .NET Framework is installed before calling the DirectX setup. 2) Use "/installmanageddx" command line parameter if using DXSetup.exe ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROLAND SOUNDCANVAS SOUND SET FOR GENERAL MIDI AND GS FORMAT The Roland SoundCanvas Sound Set includes the necessary sounds to make a complete General MIDI compatible sound set. It also includes additional sounds necessary to make a complete GS Format compatible sound set. WHAT IS THE GS FORMAT? The GS Format is a standardized set of specifications for sound sources that defines the manner in which multitimbral sound generating devices will respond to MIDI messages. The GS Format also complies with General MIDI System Level 1. The GS Format also defines a number of other details over and above the features of General MIDI. These include unique specifications for sound and functions available for tone editing, effects, and other specifications concerning the manner in which sound sources will respond to MIDI messages. Any device that is equipped with GS Format sound sources can faithfully reproduce both General MIDI sound recordings and GS Format MIDI sound recordings. HOW TO CONTACT ROLAND: For more information, please contact: Roland Corporation U.S. 7200 Dominion Circle Los Angeles, CA 90040-3696 Phone: (323) 890-3700 Fax: (323) 890-3701 COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND LICENSE LIMITATIONS Roland GS Sound Set/Microsoft (P) 1996 Roland Corporation U.S. The Roland GS Sound Set/Microsoft, the "Sample Set", incorporates the Roland SoundCanvas Sound Set. Roland Corporation U.S. owns the Sample Set and all copyrights pertaining thereto and has licensed the Sample Set for use solely on Microsoft operating system products and Microsoft Application Products. Roland reserves all rights to the Sample Set not expressly granted by Roland Corporation U.S. or by Microsoft under the terms of Microsoft's End User License Agreement. The Sample Set may only be redistributed with your software application as a part of a Microsoft operating system product installation and under the terms of Microsoft's End User License Agreement. The Sample Set may not be separated from the Microsoft operating system product; the Sample Set may only be installed by the Microsoft installation procedure for the associated Microsoft operating system product or for an associated software development kit. All other uses of the Sample Set require a separate written license from Roland Corporation U.S. The Sample Set may not be used, copied or redistributed in hardware ROM or similar technology of any device without prior express written permission from an authorized representative of Roland Corporation U.S. The Sample Set may not be redistributed with any Musical Instrument . A "Musical Instrument" is any device that is capable of generating musical sounds without being directly connected to a computer with a licensed Microsoft operating system product. You may not modify the Sample Set under any circumstances.