Intel 軟體授權合約書(OEM / IHV / ISV 發佈及單一使用者) 重要 - 請在複製、安裝或使用之前先閱讀此合約書。 仔細閱讀以下的條款和條件前,請勿使用或載入此網站的軟體和任何相關的材料(總稱「軟體」)。一旦載入或使用本「軟體」,即表示您同意本「合約書」中的條款。如果您不同意其中的條款的話,請不要安裝或使用此「軟體」。 亦請注意: • 如果您是原始設備製造商 (OEM)、獨立硬體供應商 (IHV) 或獨立軟體供應商 (ISV),則這份完整的授權合約書全部適用於您; • 如果您是一般使用者,則只有附錄 A 之「INTEL 軟體授權合約書」適用於您。 適用於 OEM、IHV、和 ISV: 授權。根據本「合約書」的條款規定,Intel 授予「您」非專屬、不可轉讓、完全付清的授權,使您能在遵守 Intel 專利權的情況下: • 以「您」自己的開發和維護為目的,在內部使用、修改、和複製「軟體」;並且 • 修改、複製和傳遞「軟體」(包括此「軟體」的衍生作品)給「您的」一般使用者,但前提是,此種使用方式必須受到至少與附錄 A 之 Intel 最終、單一使用者授權合約書中的條款同樣嚴厲的約束;並且 • 修改、複製及散發本軟體可能隨附之一般使用者文件,但僅限於搭配本軟體使用。 如果「您」不是最終製造廠商或電腦系統或整合此「軟體」之軟體程式的廠商,「您」就可以轉移一份本「軟體」的副本,包括本「軟體」的衍生作品(以及相關一般使用者說明文件),給「您的」受方,但必須遵守本「合約書」的條款規定,並且此受方必須同意完全遵守此處的條款規定。您不會將此「軟體」指派、再授權、租賃、或以任何其它方式轉讓或揭露給任何第三方。您不可反向編譯、拆解、或反向工程設計此「軟體」。 您不可提供本「軟體」之所有或部份內容,使其產生與「開放來源軟體」相關之任何授權義務,包括但不限於透過「開放來源軟體」結合或發佈本「軟體」時,使本「軟體」或 Intel 以下提供之「軟體」中的任何內容,產生與此類「開放來源軟體」有關的任何授權義務。「開放程式碼軟體」係指以使用、修改及(或)發佈此種軟體為條件的任何軟體,即此種軟體、與此種軟體結合或從此種軟體衍生的或滿足下列項目的其他軟體 (a) 以來源碼形式公開或發佈;或 (b) 基於製造與(或)散佈衍生作品之目的而由使用者或協力廠商授權;或 (c) 免費再發佈。「開放程式碼軟體」包括(但不限於)根據以下任何一種授權或傳遞模式授權或傳遞模式的軟體、或者是與以下任何方式非常類似的授權或傳遞模式:(a) GNU 的通用公共授權 (GPL) 或較寬鬆/函式庫授權 (LGPL)、(b)「藝術授權」(例如,PERL)、(c) Mozilla 公共授權 (d) Netscape 公共授權、(e) Sun 公眾原始碼授權 (SCSL)、(f) Sun 業界原始碼授權 (SISL)、(g) Apache 軟體授權、以及 (h) 通用公共授權 (CPL)。 無其他權利。此「軟體」受到美國和其它國家的智慧財產權、以及國際協議條例的法律保護。除了明確提及的部份外,Intel 沒有明確或暗示性地授予有關 Intel 專利權、著作權、商標、或其它智慧財產權方面的權利。除本「合約書」明確陳述以外,沒有任何授權或權限會直接或透過默示、引誘、禁止翻供或其他方式授予「您」。Intel 有權檢查或派遣獨立稽核員檢查您的相關記錄,以確認您是否遵守本「合約書」的條款及條件。 機密性。若您希望某個第三方顧問或轉約聘承包商」(下稱「承包商」)代表您執行需要存取或使用本軟體之工作,則您必須取得該承包商簽署之書面保密合約書,合約書必須包含關於存取或使用本軟體之條款與義務,其限制性不可低於本合約書規定之條款與義務,亦不可排除任何散佈權利以及任何其他目的之使用。否則,若未事先取得 Intel 書面許可,您不可公開本合約書之條款或存在,或是在任何刊物、廣告或其他聲明中使用 Intel 的名稱。您沒有權利使用任何 Intel 的商標或圖誌。 軟體和著作權的所有權。「軟體」所有副本之所有權仍屬 Intel 或其供應商所有。此「軟體」有著作權,並受到美國和其它國家、國際協議條例的法律保護。您不可自「軟體」中移除任何著作權注意事項。Intel 可隨時在不做另行通知的情況下對「軟體」、或其中提及的項目做變更,但沒有義務支援或更新「軟體」。除了明確提及的部份外,Intel 沒有明確或暗示性地授予有關 Intel 專利權、著作權、商標、或其它智慧財產權方面的權利。如果受方同意完全遵守這些條款規定,並且您也不會保留本「軟體」的任何副本,這樣您才能夠轉讓此「軟體」。 支援。Intel 可隨時不經通知逕行修改「軟體」或其中參照之項目,但並無義務支援、更新或提供「軟體」的訓練。Intel 可自行斟酌決定,以 Intel 當時的費率使用不同的條款提供此類服務。您可以向 Intel 銷售代表索取 Intel 其他的服務資訊。對於傳遞此「軟體」所引起的任何更新或支援義務或其它責任,您同意對「您的一般使用者」負完全的責任。 其他保固之免除。「參考設計」係依其「原狀」提供,且不提供任何其他明示或默示之擔保,包括商業適售性、不侵害他人權益或適合某特定用途之擔保。 Intel 不對此「軟體」中包含的資訊、文字、圖形、連結或其他項目的正確性或完整性保證或負責。 責任的限制。有關使用軟體或無法使用軟體所產生之任何損害(包括但不限於營利損失、業務中斷或資訊遺失),INTEL 或其供應商均不負賠償責任,即使 INTEL 已獲知上述損害之可能性亦是如此。由於某些轄區不允許排除或限制默示擔保或衍生性或附隨損害賠償之責任,因此上述限制規定可能不適用於您。隨所在轄區不同,您可能還擁有其他法律權利。此處授權之軟體的設計或意圖不包括任何醫療、救生、或生命維持系統、運輸系統、核子系統、或任何其它只要此軟體故障就可能造成人員受傷或死亡的重要使命應用程式。您應保障並保護 INTEL 與 INTEL 方,不需承擔因經由直接或間接與非預定之方式使用本「軟體」而衍生的賠償責任,以及任何與此使用方式相關之產品責任、人員傷害或死亡所衍生的賠償責任、成本、損害、費用、以及合理的律師費,即使此類求償宣稱責任歸於 Intel 方在設計或製造內部使用軟體上的疏失亦然。有限的補救辦法、保固免責聲明、以及有限責任式 INTEL 與您之間協商的基本要素。 如果沒有這些限制,INTEL 就無法提供「軟體」。 合約書終止。如果「您」違反條款規定,Intel 一旦得到通知,可能就會立刻終止此「合約書」。終止時,「您」會立刻銷毀「軟體」(包括,將銷毀的證書交還 Intel)或將「軟體」的所有副本送交 Intel。發生「合約書」終止的情況,其中授予您的所有授權書都將立刻終止,但是您根據上述授權書授予規定傳遞給「您的」一般使用者的授權除外。 適用法律。任何根據本「合約書」所衍生或與其相關的聲明應受德拉瓦州 (State of Delaware) 的內部永久法或位於德拉瓦州的聯邦法院之管轄,而不論法律衝突原則。關於本「合約書」所衍生或與其相關的所有爭論及訴訟,每位「當事人」茲此同意「加州」法院的審判及管轄權。當事人同意「聯合國貨物銷售契約協議」(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods) 特定包含於此「合約書」的適用法律。當事人同意上述法庭的個人審判權。 外銷法規/外銷控制。您不可以直接或間接的外銷任何產品、服務、或技術資料、或整合此項目之系統,除非您事先已得到美國「商務部」或美國政府任何其它單位或部門提供的任何必要授權或批准才可以。如果有任何產品是由「您」從美國出口,或從國外目的地再出口,「您」應確保該產品的發佈和出口/再出口或進口,是符合所有法律、規章、命令、或其他美國出口事務管理以及適當的外國政府之其他限制。在未獲得授權或核准之前,您同意您及您的子公司不可將任何技術資料、程序、產品、或服務,以直接或間接之方式,出口/再出口到美國政府或任何部門、或其運送目的地之外國政府,要求具備出口授權或其他政府核准的地區。 政府有限權利。根據 48 C.F.R. 2.101 的定義,該「軟體」是一種「商業性項目」,由「商業電腦軟體」與「商業電腦軟體文件」」(如 48 C.F.R. 12.212 中的使用方式)組成。根據 48 C.F.R. 12.212 和 自 48 C.F.R 227.7202-1 至 227.7202-4 部份,「您」僅在遵守其中包含的條款及條件規範下,才能將「美國政府」當成「一般使用者」而提供「軟體」。外包商或製作廠商是 Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052, USA。 委任。未經 Intel 事先明示書面同意,「您」不可委任、轉讓或移轉本「合約書」,以及任何賦予的或「您」的權利或義務,無論係以明示或默示、法律規定、合併(不論「您」是否為存續實體)、收購,或任何其他此類嘗試均為無效。Intel 可自行決定轉讓本「合約書」及其依約之權利或義務。 完整合約書。本「合約書」之條款及條件將構成當事人雙方間對於「合約書」內容完全之合意,並將取代所有建議、口頭或是書面協議、所有諮商、對話。除本「合約書」明文規定外,任一方當事人不受任何條件、定義、保證、諒解或聲明之拘束。Intel 不受其他任何合約書規範,除非該等合約書採書面形式且經 Intel 授權代表簽名。在不限制上述內容的情況下,「您」提交給 Intel 的訂單或類似資料中的任何條款與條件,以及 Intel 標準確認表單所含之任何條款,若與這些條款衝突,均應視為無效。 律師費。如果 Intel 或您提出與本「合約書」相關之任何法律程序或訴訟,勝訴方有權收取其成本、專家證人費用及合理律師費用,包括各項成本及上訴費用。 無代理關係。雙方當事人間不因本「合約書」之規定,而構成任何代理、合夥、本人─代理人或任何形式之合資關係。 嚴重性。如本「合約書」之任一條款被管轄法院認定為無效、不合法或無法履行者,此種無效或無法履行者之部份將不影響「合約書」整體之有效性,並且在此情況下,在法律或法院判決許可的範圍內,該條款可被修改或解釋,以有效達成原本此種無效或無法履行之條款預期之目的。 棄權。任一方要求他方履行本「合約書」,不影響其對於日後或隨時對於此等權利行使之能力;任一方對於違反某項條款之棄權,亦未構成對於其所持有權利之放棄。 語言。此「合約書」只僅以英文撰寫成,此語文版本控制且涵蓋各個種層面,此「合約書」的任何其他任何語文版本只是為了方便閱讀而加以提供便利,對您或 Intel 不具任何約束。所有伴隨此「合約書」而達成或指定的溝通或注意事項,以及所有文件以及應提供的支援,除非另有聲明,否則均應以英文為準為之撰寫。 附錄 A INTEL 軟體授權合約書(最終、單一使用者) 重要 - 請在複製、安裝或使用之前先閱讀此合約書。 仔細閱讀以下的條款和條件前,請勿使用或載入此網站的軟體和任何相關的材料(總稱「軟體」)。一旦載入或使用本「軟體」,即表示您同意本「合約書」中的條款。如果您不同意其中的條款的話,請不要安裝或使用此「軟體」。 授權。您可將「軟體」複製到一部電腦中,以作為個人、非商業性的使用,並在遵守以下條件的情況下製作一份「軟體」的備份副本: • 除了本「合約書」中另外提供說明的部分外,您不可對此「軟體」的任何部分進行複製、修改、租賃、銷售、或傳遞,並且您同意預防對此「軟體」進行未經授權的的複製。 • 您不可以對「軟體」進行反向工程、解編或反向組譯。 • 您不可以再授權或允許一位以上的使用者同時使用此「軟體」。 • 本「軟體」可能含有協力供應商的軟體與其他財產,其中一些軟體或財產會根據所附的 License.txt 檔案或其他文字檔案或檔案加以說明或據以授權。 軟體和著作權的所有權。「軟體」所有副本之所有權仍屬 Intel 或其供應商所有。此「軟體」有著作權,並受到美國和其它國家、國際協議條例的法律保護。您不可自「軟體」中移除任何著作權注意事項。Intel 可隨時在不做另行通知的情況下對「軟體」、或其中提及的項目做變更,但沒有義務支援或更新「軟體」。除了明確提及的部份外,Intel 沒有明確或暗示性地授予有關 Intel 專利權、著作權、商標、或其它智慧財產權方面的權利。只有受方同意完全遵守這些條款規定,並且您也不保留本「軟體」的任何副本的情況下,您才能夠轉讓此「軟體」。 其他保固之免除。「參考設計」係依其「原狀」提供,且不提供任何其他明示或默示之擔保,包括商業適售性、不侵害他人權益或適合某特定用途之擔保。Intel 不對此「軟體」中包含的資訊、文字、圖形、連結或其他項目的正確性或完整性保證或負責。 責任的限制。有關使用軟體或無法使用軟體所產生之任何損害(包括但不限於營利損失、業務中斷或資訊遺失),INTEL 或其供應商均不負賠償責任,即使 INTEL 已獲知上述損害之可能性亦是如此。由於某些轄區不允許排除或限制默示擔保或衍生性或附隨損害賠償之責任,因此上述限制規定可能不適用於您。隨所在轄區不同,您可能還擁有其他法律權利。 合約書終止。若您違反本「合約書」之條款,Intel 可隨時終止「合約書」。「合約書」終止之時,您必須立即銷毀「軟體」或將「軟體」所有副本交還給 Intel。 適用法律。因本「合約書」所生之權利應受美國德拉瓦州法律管轄,惟其法律衝突原則與「聯合國貨物銷售契約協議」(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods) 除外。您不可以違反相關出口法規而輸出「軟體」。Intel 不受其他任何合約書規範,除非該等合約書採書面形式且經 Intel 授權代表簽名。 政府有限權利。此「軟體」的提供含有「限授權」。「政府」的使用、複製、或公開都需受到 FAR52.227-14 和 DFAR252.227-7013 以及後續項目的規範,或其接續條款所設定的限制規範。「政府」若是使用此「軟體」,就表示其認可 Intel 有此軟體的專屬權利。外包商或製作廠商是 Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052, USA。 語言﹔翻譯。如果本「合約書」的英文版本與任何其他翻譯成的語言版本一起提供,此類翻譯版本僅作為方便目的提供,而應該以英文版本為準。 INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (OEM / IHV / ISV Distribution & Single User) IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. Do not use or load software from this site or any associated materials (collectively, the "Software") until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions. By loading or using the Software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the Software. Please Also Note: • If you are an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), Independent Hardware Vendor (IHV) or Independent Software Vendor (ISV), this complete LICENSE AGREEMENT applies; • If you are an End-User, then only Exhibit A, the INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT, applies. For OEMs, IHVs and ISVs: LICENSE. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Intel grants to You a nonexclusive, nontransferable, worldwide, fully paid-up license under Intel's copyrights to: • use, modify and copy Software internally for Your own development and maintenance purposes; and • modify, copy and distribute Software, including derivative works of the Software, to Your end-users, but only under a license agreement with terms at least as restrictive as those contained in Intel's Final, Single User License Agreement, attached as Exhibit A; and • modify, copy and distribute the end-user documentation which may accompany the Software, but only in association with the Software. If You are not the final manufacturer or vendor of a computer system or software program incorporating the Software, then You may transfer a copy of the Software, including derivative works of the Software (and related end-user documentation) to Your recipient for use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, provided such recipient agrees to be fully bound by the terms hereof. You shall not otherwise assign, sublicense, lease, or in any other way transfer or disclose Software to any third party. You shall not reverse- compile, disassemble or otherwise reverse-engineer the Software. You may not subject the Software, in whole or in part, to any license obligations of Open Source Software including without limitation combining or distributing the Software with Open Source Software in a manner that subjects the Software or any portion of the Software provided by Intel hereunder to any license obligations of such Open Source Software. "Open Source Software" means any software that requires as a condition of use, modification and/or distribution of such software that such software or other software incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such software (a) be disclosed or distributed in source code form; or (b) be licensed by the user to third parties for the purpose of making and/or distributing derivative works; or (c) be redistributable at no charge. Open Source Software includes, without limitation, software licensed or distributed under any of the following licenses or distribution models, or licenses or distribution models substantially similar to any of the following: (a) GNU’s General Public License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), (b) the Artistic License (e.g., PERL), (c) the Mozilla Public License, (d) the Netscape Public License, (e) the Sun Community Source License (SCSL), (f) the Sun Industry Source License (SISL), (g) the Apache Software license and (h) the Common Public License (CPL). NO OTHER RIGHTS. The Software is protected by the intellectual property laws of the United States and other countries, and international treaty provisions. Except as otherwise expressly above, Intel grants no express or implied rights under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. Except as expressly stated in this Agreement, no license or right is granted to You directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise. Intel shall have the right to inspect or have an independent auditor inspect Your relevant records to verify Your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CONFIDENTIALITY. If You wish to have a third party consultant or subcontractor ("Contractor") perform work on Your behalf which involves access to or use of Software, You shall obtain a written confidentiality agreement from the Contractor which contains terms and obligations with respect to access to or use of Software no less restrictive than those set forth in this Agreement and excluding any distribution rights, and use for any other purpose. Otherwise, You shall not disclose the terms or existence of this Agreement or use Intel's Name in any publications, advertisements, or other announcements without Intel's prior written consent. You do not have any rights to use any Intel trademarks or logos. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel or its suppliers. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries, and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software. Except as otherwise expressly provided, Intel grants no express or implied right under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. You may transfer the Software only if the recipient agrees to be fully bound by these terms and if you retain no copies of the Software. SUPPORT. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support, update or provide training for the Software. Intel may in its sole discretion offer such services under separate terms at Intel’s then-current rates. You may request additional information on Intel’s service offerings from an Intel sales representative. You agree to be solely responsible to Your End Users for any update or support obligation or other liability which may arise from the distribution of the Software. EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the Software. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. THE SOFTWARE LICENSED HEREUNDER IS NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE IN ANY MEDICAL, LIFE SAVING OR LIFE SUSTAINING SYSTEMS, TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, OR FOR ANY OTHER MISSION CRITICAL APPLICATION IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE COULD LEAD TO PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. YOU SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD INTEL AND THE INTEL PARTIES HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS, COSTS, DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES, AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES ARISING OUT OF, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOFTWARE AND ANY CLAIM OF PRODUCT LIABILITY, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH ASSOCIATED WITH ANY UNINTENDED USE, EVEN IF SUCH CLAIM ALLEGES THAT AN INTEL PARTY WAS NEGLIGENT REGARDING THE DESIGN OR MANUFACTURE OF THE SOFTWARE. THE LIMITED REMEDIES, WARRANTY DISCLAIMER AND LIMITED LIABILITY ARE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE BASIS OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN INTEL AND YOU. INTEL WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT SUCH LIMITATIONS. TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement immediately, upon notice from Intel, if You violate its terms. Upon termination, You will immediately destroy the Software (including providing certification of such destruction back to Intel) or return all copies of the Software to Intel. In the event of termination of this Agreement, all licenses granted to You hereunder shall immediately terminate, except for licenses that you have previously distributed to Your end-users pursuant to the license grant above. APPLICABLE LAWS. Any claims arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Delaware or federal courts located in Delaware, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. Each Party hereby agrees to jurisdiction and venue in the courts of the State of California for all disputes and litigation arising under or relating to this Agreement. The Parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically excluded from application to this Agreement. The Parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of the above courts. Export Regulations / Export Control. You shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any product, service or technical data or system incorporating such items without first obtaining any required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the event any product is exported from the United States or re-exported from a foreign destination by You, You shall ensure that the distribution and export/re-export or import of the product is in compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations and the appropriate foreign government. You agree that neither you nor any of your subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process, product, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the United States government or any agency thereof or the foreign government from where it is shipping requires an export license, or other governmental approval, without first obtaining such license or approval. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software is a "commercial item" as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation" as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, You will provide the Software to the U.S. Government as an End User only pursuant to the terms and conditions therein. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052. Assignment. You may not delegate, assign or transfer this Agreement, the license(s) granted or any of Your rights or duties hereunder, expressly, by implication, by operation of law, by way of merger (regardless of whether You are the surviving entity) or acquisition, or otherwise and any attempt to do so, without Intel’s express prior written consent, shall be null and void. Intel may assign this Agreement, and its rights and obligations hereunder, in its sole discretion. Entire Agreement. The terms and conditions of this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and merges and supersedes all prior, contemporaneous agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions. Neither of the parties hereto shall be bound by any conditions, definitions, warranties, understandings or representations with respect to the subject matter hereof other than as expressly provided for herein. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel. Without limiting the foregoing, terms and conditions on any purchase orders or similar materials submitted by You to Intel, and any terms contained in Intel’s standard acknowledgment form that are in conflict with these terms, shall be of no force or effect. Attorneys’ Fees. In the event any proceeding or lawsuit is brought by Intel or You in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such proceeding shall be entitled to receive its costs, expert witness fees and reasonable attorneys’ fees, including costs and fees on appeal. No Agency. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as creating any agency, employment relationship, partnership, principal-agent or other form of joint enterprise between the parties. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or be so held by applicable court decision, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render this Agreement unenforceable or invalid as a whole, and, in such event, such provision shall be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of such unenforceable or invalid provision within the limits of applicable law or applicable court decisions. Waiver. The failure of either party to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter; nor shall the waiver by either party of a breach of any provision hereof be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself. Language. This Agreement is in the English language only, which language shall be controlling in all respects, and all versions of this Agreement in any other language shall be for accommodation only and shall not be binding on you or Intel. All communications and notices made or given pursuant to this Agreement, and all documentation and support to be provided, unless otherwise noted, shall be in the English language. EXHIBIT “A” INTEL SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (Final, Single User) IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE COPYING, INSTALLING OR USING. Do not use or load software from this site or any associated materials (collectively, the "Software") until you have carefully read the following terms and conditions. By loading or using the Software, you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If you do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the Software. LICENSE. You may copy the Software onto a single computer for your personal, or internal business purpose use, and you may make one back-up copy of the Software, subject to these conditions: • You may not copy, modify, rent, sell, distribute or transfer any part of the Software except as provided in this Agreement, and you agree to prevent unauthorized copying of the Software. • You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. • You may not sublicense or permit simultaneous use of the Software by more than one user. • The Software may contain the software or other property of third party suppliers, some of which may be identified in, and licensed in accordance with, any enclosed “license.txt” file or other text or file. OWNERSHIP OF SOFTWARE AND COPYRIGHTS. Title to all copies of the Software remains with Intel or its suppliers. The Software is copyrighted and protected by the laws of the United States and other countries, and international treaty provisions. You may not remove any copyright notices from the Software. Intel may make changes to the Software, or to items referenced therein, at any time without notice, but is not obligated to support or update the Software. Except as otherwise expressly provided, Intel grants no express or implied right under Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights. You may transfer the Software only if the recipient agrees to be fully bound by these terms and if you retain no copies of the Software. EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the Software. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOST INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF INTEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS PROHIBIT EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER LEGAL RIGHTS THAT VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. TERMINATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Intel may terminate this Agreement at any time if you violate its terms. Upon termination, you will immediately destroy the Software or return all copies of the Software to Intel. APPLICABLE LAWS. Claims arising under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Delaware, excluding its principles of conflict of laws and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sale of Goods. You may not export the Software in violation of applicable export laws and regulations. Intel is not obligated under any other agreements unless they are in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Intel. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software is provided with "RESTRICTED RIGHTS." Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR52.227-14 and DFAR252.227-7013 et seq. or its successor. Use of the Software by the Government constitutes acknowledgment of Intel's proprietary rights therein. Contractor or Manufacturer is Intel Corporation, 2200 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95052.